The bead cushion that the body sinks, actually it is hard to put strength in the body and it is difficult to get out, so the compatibility with the tick is really good. I think that it is a good house-buffing video together with room clothes that are compatible with the goro sleeping style, which uses such cushions. And blaming the various parts that have made it a weakness so far is continuously excellent! No matter where you tickle, Nana laughs: "I'm tickled... It's so good..." And it's good to feel the gap in how strong it was already, is sounding weak as in the past. Under the elbow, side belly, sole of the foot... It has become a spot where you can admire everywhere, but since I found a big spot called "foot base, diameter part" newly here, it will also tickle into the center in the second half. "I had a hard time..." I recommend it to those who want to see Nana’s jealousy, which is no longer a sense of room.