This is the second episode of the diaper drama series "Shin-Koi no Oiratsu Gyojo" which was revived with a super detailed video by 4K equipment shooting! Yuko (Hita Sonoda) and her junior, Minami (Previous vegetables), are only holding hands with each other at last, so they do not progress somehow. One night Yuko never said, 'I want to stay in Minami's room...' I ask them, but they have a deep secret of each other... It is a pure love diaper drama of a couple of diapers who carefully depicted the first night events that were connected by girls suffering from incontinence and suffering from osimo. In addition to the texture of the diaper taken with the overwhelmingly high quality 4K camera, there is also a flow of oshikko that leaks without being absorbed by paper diapers for children, and a sense of presence such as staring at parts such as the fine skin of girls and lips of diapers and nipples.